Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Even Though It Dies..."

"Even Though It Dies..."

"My precious child, My faithful servant,

"I know it is hard for you watching your church organization fall. I know you weren't involved in all the rotting parts that made it collapse. I know you tried to center and establish it on Me. I know it is hard for you to understand and accept that the foundation had rotted from the very beginning, and that nothing could be done to keep the structure standing.

"I know your heart, and I want you to know that your heart has not been spent in vain. You have served Me well and I am proud of you. Even though things rotted around you, I have worked through you and loved people through you. I know you are saddened and hurt by the falling of the mighty tree of Adventism, but I promise you that I am not through with you. I saw this day coming, and I am not limited in your life because of what has collapsed. It may be hard for you to see now, but My work never has depended on the institution. Let Me be your structure from now on.

"I will bring life out of what has died. Do not be afraid of letting the ministry you had in Adventism die. Do not hurt yourself by trying to lift it back up to stand in its former way, because it is finished. If you allow it to die and finish, I will bring life out of its death for you and for those you are called to love. But if you try to keep the fallen tree alive, you will only injure yourself in vain.

"None of the work you have given Me from your heart has been in vain. What has been done in Me will live, even though it dies. And what was not living will not need to be resurrected, but its death will allow life to come to places that have not known it before."

I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

- John 12:24

See also: "The Fallen Tree" (art link)

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